About SRWA

The Soque River Watershed Assocation (SRWA) is a non-profit organization working to protect and restore the Soque River in Northeast Georgia. The Soque River is the only river in Georgia to begin and end all within one county, Habersham. It is a major headwater tributary to the Chattahoochee River which serves as the primary drinking water supply for the city of Atlanta. The organization, founded in 1998, is governed by a community-oriented board of directors, and has two staff members. Primary activities of the Association include: organization of a community watershed partnership; grant management of a Federal 319 project to complete a watershed assessment and draft a watershed protection plan; coordination of a community greenway project; and collaboration with local officials on conservation policy and planning improvements.

Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring

Neighborhood Water Watch


One-way SRWA keeps an eye on water quality in the Soque is by partnering with local volunteers to monitor our streams and river through two Programs: Neighborhood Water Watch (NWW) and Adopt-A-Stream (AAS). Both of these programs allow citizens to monitor key strategic river sites and, in some situations, their own waterways.

Adopt – A – Stream


What is Adopt-A-Stream? AAS is a citizen science program run by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to collect water quality information and to provide education about non-point source pollution. SRWA is a regional trainer for the AAS program, which allows you to independently monitor the water quality of local streams. Training in bacteria, chemistry, and macroinvertebrate monitoring are available. More information about AAS can be found at their website link: Georgia Adopt-A-Stream