​About SRWA

​The Soque River Watershed Assocation (SRWA) is a non-profit organization working to protect and restore the Soque River in Northeast Georgia. The Soque River is the only river in Georgia to begin and end all within one county, Habersham. It is a major headwater tributary to the Chattahoochee River which serves as the primary drinking water supply for the city of Atlanta. The organization, founded in 1998, is governed by a community-oriented board of directors, and has two staff members. Primary activities of the Association include: organization of a community watershed partnership; grant management of a Federal 319 project to complete a watershed assessment and draft a watershed protection plan; coordination of a community greenway project; and collaboration with local officials on conservation policy and planning improvements.

We Restore

The SRWA is focused on identifying and funding critical Soque River work projects involving bank restoration efforts, the re-planting of riparian buffers, and the removal of harmful sedimentation and silt deposits. Each project is directed at returning key areas of the Soque River to their natural state. Unfortunately, the SRWA can’t complete the degree of work desired, and we look to our community business partners, residents, and volunteers to step in and help! If you would like to donate your time or financial support to our river work project efforts please contact the SRWA at srwa@soque.org or call us at the office (706-754-9382). We all need to do what we can to help….as they say…it takes a village!