​About SRWA

​The Soque River Watershed Assocation (SRWA) is a non-profit organization working to protect and restore the Soque River in Northeast Georgia. The Soque River is the only river in Georgia to begin and end all within one county, Habersham. It is a major headwater tributary to the Chattahoochee River which serves as the primary drinking water supply for the city of Atlanta. The organization, founded in 1998, is governed by a community-oriented board of directors, and has two staff members. Primary activities of the Association include: organization of a community watershed partnership; grant management of a Federal 319 project to complete a watershed assessment and draft a watershed protection plan; coordination of a community greenway project; and collaboration with local officials on conservation policy and planning improvements.

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About SRWA

Working since 1998 as the protector and restorer of the Soque River Watershed!


About SRWA

Since 1998 Working to Protect And Restore

The Soque River Watershed Association (SRWA) is a non-profit organization working to protect and restore the Soque River in Northeast Georgia. The Soque River is the only river in Georgia to begin and end all within one county, Habersham. It is a major headwater tributary to the Chattahoochee River which serves as the primary drinking water supply for the city of Atlanta, and many cities further south.

The organization, founded in 1998, is governed by a community-oriented board of directors, and one staff member, a Director of Water Management. Key SRWA activities include:

  • Water Quality: Execution of a weekly volunteer water monitoring and testing program.
  • Nature Areas: Oversight and management of the community Clarkesville Greenway Trail.
  • Conservation: Collaboration with local officials on conservation policy and planning improvements.
  • Outreach: College and school education-based outreach programs with the focus on the importance of conservation, environmental challenges, clean drinking water, outdoor recreational activities, clean-up projects, volunteerism, etc.
  • Project Work: River and bank work projects that deliver needed improvements and repairs to the Soque watershed.
  • Grant Writing/Fundraising: An active group of volunteers that work to secure needed funding through the Federal 319 grant program and scheduled community fundraiser events.
  • Outdoor Activities: The development of nature-oriented activities including hikes, trail excursions, bike rides, kayaking, etc. that provide members, volunteers, and community an opportunity to see the wonders of Habersham County!

Organizational Priorities

As the overall challenges of protecting and restoring the Soque River, its tributaries, and watershed continue to grow, the SRWA Board Group has committed to updating their three-year STRATEGIC PLAN and priority’s plan. Last October at the annual SRWA public meeting forum, the organization shared with members, volunteers, and community their entire river work project schedule for the 2025-28 time period.  The SRWA Team is fully committed to educating our entire community of where the organization is spending their time and funding. All attendees will be able to interact with key SRWA Board Members and committee chairman throughout the event, to address their questions or concerns. Since the SRWA is first and foremost a community-based organization, we always welcome your feedback and recommendations.

SRWA Volunteers Needed

We love our volunteers and couldn’t operate without them. If you have time and energy to offer, please let us know.

Trash and Debris Clean-Up Projects

We need volunteers willing to spend several hours once per quarter to collect unwanted trash and debris on our public riverbanks and greenways around the Clarkesville and Habersham County area. Gloves, trash bags, water, hand sanitizer will be provided at each clean-up effort.

Water Collection

The SRWA is always looking for new and additional weekly water collection volunteers, called the Neighborhood Water Watch (NWW) Team. With over 20+ river and creek program collection sites, the need for new volunteers is an ongoing challenge.

Event Set-up & Greeters

The SRWA normally has one event scheduled each month throughout the calendar year. Without volunteer help, key events like fundraisers, annual meetings, meet & greet functions, recognition ceremonies, etc. would not be possible! If you are willing to donate your time periodically, the SRWA Team would welcome your generous assistance.

Outdoor River Work and Planting Projects

The SRWA plans to have three to four key outdoor work and planting projects each year. Like most big projects, we cannot complete them without the involvement of our volunteer teams.

Photographer or Drone Flyer

The SRWA Team loves sharing with our community beautiful river and watershed videos, event photos, special member moments, etc., but we lack the experience and the volunteers needed to meet this commitment.

Outdoor Events Coordinator

The SRWA Team has a strong history of providing our community with opportunities to participate in many fun and enjoyable outdoor activities. We would like to maintain this program, but we need volunteers that would be willing to help organize and execute SRWA sponsored nature hikes, photo trips, kayak excursions, greenway walks, student field trips, etc.

School Advocacy and Outreach Programs

Inspire the next generation by volunteering in our annual SRWA school outreach programs, delivering engaging presentations focused on conservation, clean drinking water, environmental challenges, and the importance of volunteerism.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Our Projects

Protecting the Soque River

Our nonprofit is dedicated to safeguarding the Soque River's water quality in northeast Georgia. Through community clean-up events, water testing initiatives, and educational programs, we strive to preserve this vital natural resource for future generations.

River Bank Restoration

Restoring river banks is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems and preventing soil erosion. By planting native vegetation and reinforcing banks with natural materials, we can improve water quality and provide habitat for wildlife. River banks restoration also helps in mitigating flood risks and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of natural landscapes.

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Culvert Inspections

Regular culvert inspections are crucial for ensuring the proper flow of water and preventing blockages that can lead to flooding. By identifying and addressing structural issues early, we can maintain effective drainage systems and protect surrounding areas from water damage. Inspections help in ensuring that culverts meet environmental and safety standards, promoting long-term infrastructure resilience.

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Spillways play a vital role in managing water levels in dams and reservoirs, preventing overflow and potential downstream flooding. Properly designed and maintained spillways ensure the safe release of excess water during heavy rainfall or snowmelt. Regular maintenance and monitoring of spillways are necessary to safeguard communities and ecosystems from water-related disasters.

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Water Quality Testing

Water quality testing is fundamental for protecting public health and maintaining the ecological balance of water bodies. By regularly analyzing samples for contaminants, we can detect pollution sources and take corrective actions to ensure safe, clean water for all. Consistent monitoring helps in tracking improvements and identifying emerging threats to water quality.

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In addition to these core activities, our efforts include community education, habitat restoration, and advocacy for stronger environmental policies. We engage with local stakeholders to promote sustainable water management practices and support research initiatives aimed at understanding and preserving our waterways. By fostering a collaborative approach, we strive to create a healthier and more resilient environment for future generations.

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Recreation on the Soque

The Soque River is an angler's paradise, featuring a variety of fishing outfitters and private fisheries that cater to both beginners and seasoned fishermen, ensuring a memorable and productive fishing experience.

Upcoming Events: Get Your Tickets Here

Best Drinking Water

City of Clarkesville awarded best drinking water. This water is served from the Soque River.


As of 4-16-24 bacteria levels have been found that suggests a high level of e-coli and the board does not recommend letting your dog drink from the river at this time.

Yes, We have a catch and release section at the Clarkesville Greenways where fishing is allowed. Additionally, you can trout fish with Soque River Outfitters. Sections around Pitts Park are less desirable for fish at this time. We are working on it at this time. We welcome you to volunteer or donate to the cause.


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